Thursday, December 15, 2011

Avoiding Holiday Headaches

Anyone can suffer from a headache after a hectic day of shopping or fighting traffic during the holiday season. For a migraineur the situation can be much worse.

The stress of any event, let alone the added stress related to the holidays can trigger a migraine. In the case of a migraine the stress headache does not come about as the result of a psychological tension as many would have you believe, but rather a biological event caused by hormones secreted within the endocrine system as a coping mechanism. Therefore, a migraineur can't just think the headache away or take the "just relax and everything will be just fine" attitude.

Especially during this season, migraine triggers and conditions are compounded. In other words, something that may not have bothered your head at other times of the year suddenly becomes a major trigger for a severe migraine when other factors are also in play.

For example, you may be able to get away with drinking a single small glass of wine at home once in awhile, but couple it with stress, strange foods, excitement, winter weather changes, and overactive hormones and you could be on your way to paying the high price of a migraine.

Food and drink generally are part of any celebration. Tempting foods are served without labels and no way of knowing their ingredients. Your favorite aunt who won't hear of you not at least trying her special dish loaded with the secret spice mixture containing MSG may be your worst enemy. Her disappointment may be well worth your avoiding a horrible migraine the next morning.

Red wine is a well know major trigger, but are you prepared to refuse it when your host offers you a glass of wine to join in on the celebration? Being ready to refuse anything that may cause you a headache with a prepared answer may save you hours and even days fighting a horrible migraine.

You shouldn't expect others to know what might bother you; rather you should be ready with a good explanation as to why you must decline the offer. There is nothing wrong with saying, "Thank you very much for offering, but I have a genetic condition that certain foods or drinks can cause me to have severe migraine headaches and I just can't afford to take the chance."

And watch out for those dishes that may have been bought at a store and "re-plated" as they may be loaded with MSG, nitrates, L-tyrosine, and other "do not touch" ingredients lying in wait to set off a migraine in you. If your first bite says "yummy, this tastes different or really good," and has a slight salty taste, put it down because more than likely that good taste is MSG. Remember, MSG is a flavor enhancer.

Party Triggers. The following is our partial list of key foods and drinks to avoid at parties:

  • Almonds and nuts Lots of these around at parties, but don't eat them.
  • Wines, especially red wine - instead you may want to try a drink made of cranberry juice, club soda and a clear alcohol.
  • Cheeses - especially the cheese balls and aged cheese - the better the cheese the more powerful the trigger.
  • Sausages, little wieners, and other such things floating around in a crock pot full of the special BBQ sauce that may be loaded with MSG and nitrates.
  • Snack mixes - these are party and office favorites that may contain MSG to heighten the flavor.
  • Chocolate - I hate to mention this hard to resist confection, but for some people it can be a real problem - again keep in mind that triggers are not the same for everyone - always avoid what you know will hurt you  no matter how good it looks.
  • Beer and other alcohol beverages - Beer is a fermented beverage and may be a problem for some. It is not the alcohol but the process that creates the trigger. Clear alcohol products may be a better choice.
  • Your Triggers. Don't cheat just because it is a party. Triggers compound rapidly and the last thing you want is to have to leave the party because of another migraine headache.
If you are unsure about a product or have any questions about triggers or migraines, call us at 1-866-867-5953 or send an email to Questions@Tuliv.comand we will do the research for you. We do this as a free service to help prevent migraines and add to the list of products that may cause migraines. 

Be safe and enjoy the holidays.

There is still time for you to Enjoy the Holidays without Migraines. What a great gift to yourself that will be enjoyed every day of your life. Click Here.

Let us hear from you today. Our toll-free phone number is 1-866-367-5953 or send an email to 


Monday, October 31, 2011

“Are my Recent Migraines Related to Hormones?” asks Tori Spelling

"Anyone else get horrendous migraines right after giving birth? Is it hormones? I've had one for a week now. Nothing is working." Tori Spelling tweeted her followers.

News reports that Tori Spelling looked exhausted as she was wheeled into a hospital just weeks after giving birth to a baby girl by her husband Dean McDermott this morning. The ordeal comes after the 90210 actress revealed that she had been suffering from migraines following the birth of Hattie Margaret McDermott twenty days ago.

It is not uncommon for mothers who are prone to migraines to get extreme headaches after bearing children. Tori asks the correct question, "Is it hormones?" Although the answer is yes, what is actually causing the problem is not often understood by even doctors who are trying to treat the migraine symptoms rather than the basic cause of the problem.

When the term hormonal migraine is used, most people are thinking about the hormones estrogen and progesterone. While this is in part true, what is at the source of the problem is what are called "messenger hormones". These are hormones in the body secreted by specific glands that act like messengers to deliver commands to start and stop production of the aforementioned hormones as well as others.

A simple analogy is a factory that produces body lotion. Although the production line makes the lotion, the orders to start and stop production come from a supervisor. If the supervisor orders more or less lotion than is needed, the production line doesn't know and then all kinds of problems and headaches can occur as a result. A solution to the problem is to manage how the orders are being received by the production line in order to prevent further factory headaches from occurring.

The solution to preventing migraine headaches works in a similar manner. The migraine antidote is a prevention formula that acts on the cause of the migraine before it can occur rather than simply trying to stop the pain of the headache after it has started.

In the analogy the orders came from a supervisor. The body has a supervisor called the pituitary gland which controls the cycles of the female body by sending out messenger hormones. This gland not only controls the monthly menstrual cycles, but also controls pregnancies by issuing the hormone messengers to regulate the levels of estrogen and progesterone during this time.

At the completion of a pregnancy the hormones in the female body are literally in turmoil. This turmoil is what is triggering the migraines to occur. To stop this process and gain control over the migraines, something is needed that will help manage the receipt of these hormone messengers that are causing the onset of the migraines.

Tuliv Migraine Defense is the migraine prevention product designed to help control migraines by managing how hormone messages are handled and defend against the occurrence of migraine headaches.

You can order Tuliv Migraine Defense at

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chronic Migraines -There is a Solution

Chronic migraines by definition are migraines that occur 15 or more times per month and last four hours a day or more. 

 It is estimated that of the 32 million people in America who suffer from some level of migraines, about 10 percent or roughly 3.2 million Americans suffer from chronic migraines. Although women are three times more likely to experience a migraine than men, when it comes to chronic migraines the ratio of women suffering from chronic migraines compared to men is much higher.

The migraine research conducted by Tuliv has shown that the general age range for chronic migraines starts as early as 35 and continues through 60. These ages correlate to the age when women experience the perimenopause stage of life. This research went on to show a direct connection between the two events.

Perimenopause refers to the time of life when the body goes through significant hormonal changes that eventually lead to menopause.  Many women who suffer from chronic migraine also experience the symptoms of perimenopause including hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, and irritability.

Any woman who has had menstrual related migraines knows the intensity of a migraine during times of hormone changes. What is happening during perimenopause is similar in a much more rapid or erratic sequence.  The continuous fluctuation in hormone production during perimenopause causes an increase in the number of migraines. See Hormonal Migraines for more information.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often prescribed by doctors and health therapists as a method to combat the symptoms of perimenopause. While they may help ease those symptoms, HRT can be a major contributing factor to chronic migraines

No one should give in to the idea that chronic migraines are uncontrollable. Chronic migraines can be controlled and further episodes prevented by proper treatment with Tuliv Migraine Defense and a good migraine prevention plan. 

If you are experiencing chronic migraines, the first thing to do is seek our help in evaluating your problem. We will help to identify anything that may be contributing to your chronic migraine episodes. Together we will be able to produce an effective migraine prevention plan that will guide you to a better life.

To learn more about chronic migraines and how you can overcome them, see Chronic Migraines at

 Let us hear from you today. Our toll-free phone number is 1-866-367-5953 or send an email to

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Children with Migraines

Back to school can be tough for children suffering from migraines.  It is estimated that up to 10 percent of children in the U.S. get migraines, according to the Migraine Research Foundation.

Today more than half of the children with migraines had their first attack of symptoms before the age of 12. Migraines are more common in boys at a younger age. By adolescence the rate of incidence is much higher for girls as migraines are commonly triggered by hormone changes associated with their menstrual cycles.

Girls are more likely to miss school because the severity of their migraines can be intolerable one or more days each month. It is not only the days missed, but the many hours of not being able to give full attention to classroom work which may result in struggling to keep up with school work.

Symptoms accompanying a migraine, including headache, sensitivity to light and sound as well as nausea and vomiting can inhibit concentration on studies and keep a child from participating in extra-curricular activities. In addition, about 15 to 20 percent of those with migraines also have what is called an aura prior to the onset of the headache. Typical aura symptoms include the appearance of flashing lights, zigzag lines or other visual disturbances that add to the problems encountered by children with migraines. See more about Migraine Diagnoses.

Migraines in children are often misdiagnosed because they don't always have the same type of symptoms as adults. Rather than the typical one-sided head pain of an adult, the child may experience pain on both sides and other areas of pain that are more difficult to describe. In addition, an adult may suffer severe headache pain, whereas children are more likely to experience a moderate to severe level of pain along with nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and dizziness association with a migraine. See more about What Causes Migraines.

Currently, there are no pharmaceutical migraine medications approved for children. Unfortunately many doctors will ignore the drug warnings of the manufacturer and treat children with adult-only medications. Using drugs off label is not only wrong it can be damaging to children. Parents and guardians should first understand the risks and carefully explore options, weighing risks of potential side effects against possible benefits before accepting or filling prescriptions.

The risks to a child taking an adult-only drug like Topamax are many. You should know and understand that a major side effect of Topamax -called cognitive impairment -is one that can lessen a person's ability to learn, retain and recall new information - the exact reason a child goes to school.  To learn more see The Dangers of Topamax)

Parents and guardians who desire safe migraine prevention for their child often turn to Tuliv and Migraine Defense as a natural solution. Migraine Defense does not change or alter the natural hormonal rhythms of the body nor does it cause chemical reactions in the brain as do pharmaceuticals. Migraine prevention drugs work by changing the brain chemistry is such a way that it can disrupt the learning process for children (as well as adults). Migraine Defense has no side effects and with high ranking results Tuliv Migraine Defense is the best possible solution to migraine prevention for children.

If your child is experiencing migraines, you should visit with Tuliv migraine experts as soon as possible to ask any questions you may have about children with migraines, to learn if Migraine Defense is the right solution for long term migraine prevention for your child. Call 1-866-367-5953 or send an email to

Daughter Returns to School

"I just wanted to let you know how well the Tuliv Migraine Defense formula is working for my 15 year old daughter (just like you said it would). She started taking the recommended six per day and her migraines stopped completely within two weeks.

She has been able to return to school and is doing fine.

Thank you ever so much. May God bless you in the continuance of the work you do the help children with migraines. I have told everyone I know about the product and have given them your website and email address."

Best wishes, Sandy, Mother of Sara

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Devices Used to Control Migraine Pain

 The proverb "desperate times call for desperate measures" can certainly be applied to the need to find ways to control the pain of a migraine. Although the idea of an electronic device used to stop the pain of a migraine is nothing new, the advancement of such technologies is worth noting. Considering these are ways that may help stop the pain after it starts, what most people want is a way to prevent the migraine from ever starting, which is the real value of Tuliv Migraine Defense.

In June of 2011, at the 15th International Headache Congress in Berlin, Germany, one such electronic device maker announced study results on the safety and efficacy of peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) of the occipital nerve for the management of pain and disability associated with chronic migraine.

 These devices are basically an advancement of the externally worn TENS units that are used to provide relief from a variety of pain sources, such as back pain, sports injury pain, general muscle pain etc. The new PNS systems deliver mild electrical pulses from an implanted device to leads placed under the skin at the back of the head, stimulating the occipital nerves.

"Many migraine patients have exhausted all current medical treatment options and often are disabled by the pain and frequency of migraine attacks," said Stephen D. Silberstein, M.D., past president of the American Headache Society, director of the Jefferson Headache Center, and the principal investigator in the study for the Genesis neurostimulation product from St. Jude's Medical Company. "Achieving a reduction in the number of days they suffer from headache and a significant improvement in their quality of life may be even more important than pain reduction alone."

The study showed that patients who received stimulation reported a 28% decrease in their number of headache days (seven less days a month). In contrast, study of the all natural migraine prevention formula Migraine Defense from Tuliv, shows a greater than 50% average reduction in headache frequency, which is to say that Migraine Defense may be more than twice as effective as an implanted electronic device. See Tuliv Research.

What is also in the works is new ways to manage the induction of existing migraine medications into the body. One of these that is working its way through FDA approval is is from NuPathe. The Zelrix patch is a single-use patch that relies on a mild electrical current to "actively transport" the anti-migraine drug sumatriptan through the skin using a process called iontophoresis.

There are other devices made for the relief of headache pain, one of which is an apparatus which is designed to be worn on a patient's forehead to deliver controlled electrical impulses for 20-minute sessions. The developer of this device claims it gives pain relief to people suffering from migraines and cluster/tension headaches.

Another device is a hand-held machine called a noninvasive transcranial magnetic stimulator which claims to create an intense magnetic field that, when held next to the head, creates an electric current in the neurons of the brain that disrupts the migraine aura.

There are other devices including special glasses, skull caps, and stimulators that make claims to help migraineurs and may also be of help to some of the people some of the time.

I try to stay abreast of the latest research on migraines and do see some things that could hold promise for better relief of migraine pain such as the Zelrix patch mentioned above. What I don't see is new research by pharmaceutical companies exploring new ways to prevent migraines.

 Unfortunately for the public in general, it is the trend of pharmaceutical companies to spend their money on market research to find new ways to sell old drugs rather than producing new drugs to alleviate existing conditions.

Please let me know what methods or devices you have tried and how effective they have been for you. My email address is

You can also start a Live Chat Session to visit with us. Or call us directly for a free consultation 866-367-5953. 


Monday, August 8, 2011

What is Your Priority?

Every day we speak to people who have an earnest desire to rid themselves of the plague of migraines. They tell us of their history of migraines and how they continue to suffer from migraines. Many of these are people we are speaking to for the first time. At times we get a phone call or email from a customer who is taking Migraine Defense and yet is still, on occasion, getting a migraine.

"What is causing me to get migraine headaches?" is the question most frequently asked directly or indirectly. In other words, people want to know what is causing their migraines.

First and foremost we must point to the DNA makeup and the inherited migraine gene as the reason you are prone to get migraines. Second to that, is the relationship between hormone changes in the body and the occurrences of migraines for both women and men.

The third factor involved in migraines is much more complex than that of the first two as it involves what we commonly refer to as triggers. Triggers are things that can start a migraine. Triggers are also the things that need to be identified and then avoided.

What we need to address is not so much a list of triggers, rather the attitude toward triggers. Many people know what some of their triggers are and yet pay little or no attention to them. A man once told me that he got a migraine headache every time he ate onions and asked me what he could do about it. When I told him the obvious - "Don't eat onions" - he refused to accept my suggestion because he liked to eat onions.

Believe it or not, in our migraine treatment practice, we talk to people every day who tell us virtually the same thing - not about onions - but about something else they don't want to change even though we explain to them that it may be a contributing factor in their migraines.

When consulting with a migraineur we try to find out more about his or her diet, what supplements are used including hormone replacement therapy, and other information about life style. We often hear about the use of products with claims to make a person feel better, look better, have more energy, live longer, increase vitality, and sexual enhancement. Alarmingly, many of these products, cleansers, foods, lotions, and supplements can be the trigger for a migraine.

We are not saying these various products are bad for the general population, what we are saying is that your body as a migraineur reacts differently. What may be fine for your best friend, spouse, neighbor, or relative may be bad for you. Advice from a naturalist, supplement suppliers, and those who sell those special juices, may be causing you to suffer.

As I mentioned, our days are filled with helping people understand the complexities of migraines and how life style can influence the occurrences of migraines. And yet even after we explain that a product may be triggering a person's migraines, we hear all kinds of reasons as to why he or she feels the compelling need to continue to take the product, including, "I read this was good for women my age, my friend takes it all the time, my naturalist recommended it, I sell it, I think it is doing something for me, I need to cleanse my colon, I'm on this special diet, and I found it in a health food store so it must be okay."

This is the point where I ask the question, "What is your priority?"

If not having migraines is your first priority, then stop doing the things that make the situation worse. Don't do something that may make your head hurt - no matter what the reason. Your head must be your first your priority.

It is not always easy to discover that what you may be doing is contributing to the occurrence of your migraines. That is why we offer you, without cost, our migraine consulting and guidance service to help you get control of your migraines. Generally, at the end of a 10 or 15 minute phone conversation, you will have a fairly good idea of what you could do to improve your situation. You don't have to be a current customer to call us.

There are very few people who have the knowledge, experience, compassion and migraine research background to provide you with the expertise guidance that we do at Tuliv.

You can also start a Live Chat Session to visit with us. Or call us directly for a free consultation 866-367-5953. 


Let me hear from you today. Our toll-free phone number is 1-866-367-5953 or send an me an email at 


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bachmann Rolls Out Migraine Defense

as reported on Political Wire

Rep. Michele Bachmann's (R-MN) Politico reports that Bachmann "released a letter from the attending physician to the Congress attesting to her 'overall ... good general health.'"

"Dr. Brian Monahan wrote he has extensively evaluated Bachmann, in consultation with a neurologist, and found that she is able to control it with as-needed doses of sumatriptan, which is used to treat migraine pain, and odansetron, an anti-nausea drug... Monahan described Bachmann's diagnosis as 'migraine headaches with aura,' a reference to the minority of migraine sufferers who experience perceptual disturbances, such as visual changes or strange smells, in advance of their attacks."

If Michele Bachmann would be using the real Migraine Defense from Tuliv, she could be preventing her migraines from ever happening and therefore eliminate the need for medications and avoid the possibility of having a debilitating migraine.

Please contact Rep. Bachmann and let her know that Tuliv Migraine Defense can help her, as it has you and so many others, live a migraine free life.

For more information on migraine prevention and Migraine Defense see

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summertime Migraines

Summer should be a time for fun, vacations, back yard activities, enjoying theme parks, and even working outside. If you suffer from migraines, it can also be a time when the sun and heat make your head hurt while you experience an increase in migraines.

In this article, I want to share information that can help to keep your migraines under control during these summer months. Unfortunately many summer activities such as time in the sun, tanning, and heat will cause an increase in one or both of the two natural elements (nitric oxide and tyramine) involved in the formation of a migraine headache.

Tanning. Many people still want to have a nice tan in the summer. For those who don't have the time to spend in the sun, sunless self-tanning products in the form of lotions, sprays, gels, and pills are often used. Some of these products can cause extreme headaches for a migraineur because they contain the amino acid L-tyrosine to accelerate the tanning process. Be sure to read the label and not use any product that contains L-tyrosine or indicates that the product can increase tyramine in the body.

Depending on the amount applied and the body's reaction, a headache can occur within hours or days of the application. When there is a delayed reaction, a product may be overlooked as the problem. Since it may be difficult to determine the cause of your headache or to know if a product is involved, please feel free to contact us (see email address and phone number below) to get our help. Also if you have experienced a headache after using any product, supplement, or drink, please let us know about it so that we can share it on our trigger list.

Heat and Sun. Many migraineurs are affected by heat especially after being outside on sunny days. When we investigated what happens when the body's heat increases, especially in the head, we found that the body produces nitric oxide to expand blood vessels to increase the blood flow in an attempt to cool the body.

For a migraineur the expanding blood vessels in the head and an increased level of nitric oxide in the body may be the trigger that results in a migraine headache.

 On hot sunny days, a hat with a brim can be very helpful. Hats are in fashion today, so don't worry if you are the only one wearing one. Staying out of the sun completely may be the best solution.

Summer Fun. Whether you are enjoying activities on vacation or working hard in the yard, strenuous activities can result in a headache. The harder the body works the more blood it needs to keep the muscles working without fatigue. Again, the way it increases blood flow is by producing nitric oxide. As we mentioned above, the increase in nitric oxide levels can result in a migraine headache.

Enjoy the summer by trying to stay cool and watch out for products and drinks that contain the amino acid L-tyrosine.

See Heat Protection Tips

Migraine Defense is designed to work by building a defense against internal migraine conditions and some of the external triggers. A migraine-free summer is still within your reach and right now is the best time to order your Migraine Defense.

Let me hear from you today. Our toll-free phone number is 1-866-367-5953 or send an me an email at


Friday, May 6, 2011

Nutritional Yeast and Autolyzed Yeast

Question: I am wondering if nutritional yeast is a common migraine trigger, as I know that warm yeast breads can be as well as yeast extract and autolyzed yeast. I have been reading about the nutritional benefits of adding nutritional yeast to foods, and am wondering if this is a good idea. Would love to heat your thoughts. Thank you. --- Amy

Answer: Hi Amy,

Good questions about nutritional yeast and autolyzed yeast.

It is my understanding that "autolyzed yeast" is another name for processed free glutamic acid or what is commonly called MSG. This should always be avoided by anyone who gets migraines as it is a major trigger. See

Nutritional yeast is a good source of both tyrosine and phenylalanine. Unfortunately, both of these can be problematic for migraineurs. Heat does not destroy or change either of these and so cooking or using it is a "raw" format delivers basically the same amounts.

Tyrosine is found in almonds and other foods that often trigger migraines. Like anything else, one person may be able to tolerate something that is a major trigger for another person.

If you do decide to try it, keep a record of when you ate it and then see if you experience any headache symptoms within the next 36 hours. This is not always a guarantee that it won't affect you later as it builds up in your body.

My advice would be to avoid it.

Thank you for asking, Lyle

Migraines can be prevented - Read More

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Think Before You Eat a Migraine Trigger

Someone once said to me, "I get a migraine headache every time I eat onions. What can I do to stop these headaches?"

Even though the answer should be obvious to all, the obvious is often missed. People will tell us they know exactly what triggers their migraines and yet they do little or nothing to avoid the trigger. This, I believe, is one of the main reasons for failure of any type of migraine prevention program. Some thinking is required to end migraines.

When my son was about six years old I started playing checkers with him. Checkers is a relatively simple game to learn and play. During one game when I was slow to move a piece he announced, "It's your move dad," to which I replied, "I'm thinking." His immediate response was, "Hey, no fair thinking."

The stakes are higher with migraines than they are playing checkers. When you lose by not thinking in the migraine game you get punished with pain. Thinking about what you eat, drink, do and even what medications you take is a requirement for the success of a migraine prevention program. You don't have to become a migraine researcher to end migraines; you simply must pay attention and do a little thinking.

Thinking about what may have triggered your last headache can be helpful in preventing the next one. Any time there is a change in your migraine pattern, you should ask yourself "why?" Think about what changed, including what you may have eaten, drank or done within the 36 hours prior to the headache. Reviewing this information may reveal the trigger that you can avoid in the future.

We can help you in this process when you contact us. We generally start by visiting about your migraine pattern including frequency, duration, the time of the day when your headaches most often start, and what are your known triggers. Reports of sudden changes in patterns can be most alarming events that we will help investigate.

Recently Eileen (Migraine Consultant at Tuliv) visited with a lady whose headache pattern got worse after she started taking spirulina. Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green alga which has gained a great deal of popularity in the health food world as one of the new so-called functional foods.  

Eileen researched spirulina and found that it contains one of the highest rates of L-tyrosine (which becomes tyramine) and another amino acid called L-phenylalanine which produces even more tyramine in the body.

Tyramine, as we have stated many times before, is one of the components necessary to produce the chemical in the body that causes a migraine to occur. Migraineurs should avoid anything that contains L-tyrosine or increases tyramine in the body (see triggers list).

Eileen's research demonstrates the dedication we at Tuliv have to help all who suffer from migraines regardless if they use our products or not.

To do this type of research and make this connection to headaches does require thinking, but you can benefit from the migraine research Eileen does by reading our website, blog, facebook and asking for her help (there is no charge for phone and email consultation).

If your migraine pattern has changed, call or email us for help. If your migraine medication or program is not working for you, think about trying Tuliv Migraine Defense for migraine prevention to live a migraine-free life.

What are your migraine triggers? Today we are asking for your help in our research by letting us know what triggers your headaches so we can add them to the migraine trigger list. If you are unsure about what may be your triggers, contact us so that we can help you.  

Send us an email (click here) with your trigger list or call us at 1-866-367-5953.

Let us hear from you today.

Lyle Henry – Migraine Research

Friday, April 1, 2011

Stroke - the Hidden Danger of Migraines

Recently in the news we have read about strokes, brain lesions, and even obesity being attributed to migraines. In February many saw Serene Branson suffer live on TV from what was first thought to be a stroke and then later confirmed as a migraine - most likely a familial hemiplegic migraine.

Each year, nearly 800,000 people in the United States have a stroke, which is the third-leading cause of death in the U.S.   The latest findings published in the American Journal of Medicine, which combined the results of 21 previous studies, confirms a connection between migraines and ischemic stroke -- the most common form of stroke, occurring when a clot disrupts blood flow to the brain. See stroke warning signs from American Heart Association.

Across the studies it was found that migraine sufferers at any age were about twice as likely to suffer an ischemic stroke as people without migraines. Anyone who suffers from migraines should be seeking safe and effective ways to prevent migraines in order to reduce the risk of suffering a stroke.

What is also alarming about the study reported by Dr. Saman Nazarian, the senior researcher and an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, is that the HRT (hormone replacement therapy) 
that is commonly prescribed as a migraine treatment via birth control pills (including ring and patch), as well as progesterone and estrogen supplementation, may actually be adding to the possibility of having a stroke.

The risk of stroke caused by migraines and HRT treatments for migraines are too high to be ignored. The challenge one faces after a stroke are life changing and alter normal activities including driving, employment, parenting young children, and often means a dramatic change in personal relationships.

In selecting the best method of migraine prevention, one should always consider what the consequences of taking certain preventives are and if possible avoid those that may cause other damage to the body or brain. Topamax, for example, can cause serious side effects including kidney stones, birth defects, eye problems, vision loss, suicide attempts, bone disease, and memory loss according to the PRESCRIBING INFORMATION provided by Topamax.

As a migraineur you eventually deal with three major issues: 1. The migraine, associated pain, and related problems, 2. Physical changes and conditions that can result from prolonged migraines, i.e. higher risk for strokes and brain lesions,  3. Dangerous risks and damage caused by pharmaceuticals (including HRT) used in attempts to prevent migraines.

Granted, as any migraineur that suffers the pain of migraines, the first objective and ultimate desire is to stop the headache pain from reoccurring and many are willing to risk the problems from associated pharmaceutical treatments. Or as my wife Eileen used to say prior to the discovery of Migraine Defense, "I need to get vertical and will worry about the consequences later."

Fortunately for Eileen and others like her who now take Migraine Defense for migraine prevention, she is safe from the problems associated with migraine drugs and has lowered her risk for stroke while living a migraine-free life.

One additional point, I would like to remind everyone that no matter what treatment you seek, you should also stay abreast of how migraines form and what can trigger them. Be aware that many prescription drugs, health foods and drinks, and things like probiotics, can also be major factors in contributing to migraines.

A change in your migraine pattern could indicate that you have introduced something new into your system or your body's age is becoming a factor. For this reason, we make ourselves available to you by phone and email to answer your migraine questions. There is currently no cost or obligation for consultation.

Everyone knows someone who suffers from migraines and may be at risk for stroke. Please tell them they can find help at and by calling 1-866-367-5953. Don't wait until something happens, forward this message to a friend today. 


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


FDA Warning Issued March 4, 2011

"New data suggest that the drug Topamax (topiramate) and its generic versions increase the risk for the birth defects cleft lip and cleft palate in babies born to women using the drug when they become pregnant or use the medication during pregnancy," the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said today.

"Health care professionals should carefully consider the benefits and risks of topiramate when prescribing it to women of childbearing age," said Russell Katz, M.D., director of the Division of Neurology Products in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Alternatives should be considered.

For more information on Topamax Side Effects and safe alternative of migraine prevention, see

NOTE: Please forward this warning to friends who are taking Topamax.

See Full FDA Report at

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Botox for Migraine is Not Convincing

Research on Botulinum Toxin (Botox) for Migraine is Not Convincing

February 15, 2011 — Despite botulinum toxin A (Botox) being approved for use in chronic migraines, published evidence on the effectiveness of this treatment for headaches is unconvincing, according to an article appearing in Drug and Therapeutic Bulletin (DTB).

The evidence from two published double-blind studies does not suggest a huge benefit, said Dr. Iheanacho, author of article. "We're not talking about abolition of chronic migraine headaches here; we're talking about a slight reduction."

In addition, Botulinum toxin A treatment for migraine is costly, and the toxin can actually cause headaches, pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms, "which is obviously not an ideal outcome," said Dr. Iheanacho.

"When you consider all those factors together, it doesn't add up to much benefit in our view," he said.

Published Trials

The DTB article describes 2 published double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of botulinum toxin A in chronic migraine. The first included 679 adults who received either the toxin or placebo every 12 weeks in 31 injections in the head and neck. This study found that the frequency of headache episodes at week 24 did not significantly differ between the two groups - the placebo did equally as well as the botulinum toxin injections.

The second study was identical in design, except that it measured headache days rather than headache episodes, but had the same basic results.

Questionable Benefit

To further discount any benefit of botulinum toxin A injections, it is known that these injections produce effects noticeable to those receiving the toxin but not the placebo. "If people knew or could tell or could guess that they got Botox because of the effect on their head and neck muscles, you have to worry about whether any benefits you see are an added placebo effect rather than one specifically attributable to the drug," said Dr. Iheanacho.

Cost Factor

Another drawback to botulinum toxin A use in headaches is the cost. Every treatment (31-39 injections) costs about $443 and is repeated every 12 weeks, so the annual cost is $1600.

All these factors together suggest that botulinum toxin A does not add significantly to the treatment of migraine, said Dr. Iheanacho. "We don't think it offers much to people with chronic migraine as far as we can tell from the evidence available."

DTB is owned and published by BMJ Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Medical Association.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year Resolution: Do All I Can To Prevent Migraines

Many people make New Year resolutions this time of the year. Anyone who suffers from migraines would like to say, "This year I resolve to do all I can to have fewer migraines." With most resolutions affirmative action is needed to make it a reality.

The question is what action to take to have fewer migraines?

There are basically three ways to reduce the number of migraines:  1. avoid the things that trigger migraines, 2. take something to help prevent migraines, 3. grow older.

Although we all resolve to grow older, it may not be practical to believe that your migraines will stop this year unless you have completed menopause, and then there is still no guarantee.

When it comes to the first and second option, the first should be understood well.

Migraine triggers can be classified as external and internal. External triggers are those things that are normally outside of your body, while internal are the natural changes in your body that cause a migraine.

Knowing what is triggering your migraine can be tricky, but triggers can generally be traced back to the formula for a migraine - namely, tyramine and nitric oxide. Some triggers work very quickly, MSG for example, whereas others change during digestion to cause the problem, for instance, eating yogurt or cheese which turns into nitric oxide. To learn more about triggers visit

Option number two, taking something to help prevent migraines, is the only option for many people when it comes to managing migraines. The choice of what to take becomes a matter of what you feel works best for you and what the consequences are of taking it.

Today many doctors are prescribing Topamax without much concern for the safety of the patient as to both short and long term side effects of this drug. Only a few years ago this option was considered one of "last resort" and tried only after all else failed. The long term effects of kidney stones, possible vision damage and other consequences may not be fully disclosed by the doctor when prescribing this drug, but certainly should be considered by anyone willing to try this drug prior to exhausting other alternatives.

How do you know a migraine preventive will work for you? Although there is never a complete way of knowing without trying it, there are some rules we use before recommending our Tuliv Migraine Defense product for the prevention of migraines.

Knowing that there is a hereditary connection, now proven by "migraine genes", found in the DNA of those prone to migraines, we first want to determine if there is a family history of migraines.

Second, at Tuliv, we are well versed through ten years of extensive migraine research studies as to how hormones cause migraines throughout one's life (see migraine patterns). Knowing this, we ask questions that help determine the extent to which hormones are involved for each person.

These questions include, did the migraines start at puberty, are headaches worse during certain times of the menstrual cycle, and have the migraines gotten worse as the person approaches 45, as well as other questions that determine a hormonal pattern. Answers to these questions help to define the best course of action for this person to take to achieve a migraine-free life.

Measuring success is the most important thing a person can do when trying a drug or any product. Evidence is what you need. In the case of Migraine Defense, we supply a diary to track your progress and measure the results. When you see evidence of a positive change, then you can be assured that you should achieve very good results as you continue. Click here to print copy of diary.

Stay With It. Keep in mind that most resolutions fail because the person does not continue until the goal is reached. There is no quick cure for migraines. In order to have a migraine-free life with the Migraine Defense product, you must be consistent in taking it to prevent your migraines.

The migraine experts at Tuliv want to help you become migraine-free in 2011. Call us for free consultation and we resolve to help you with your migraine problem in a manner that is best for you. Call 1-866-367-5953 and feel free to speak directly with Lyle or Eileen Henry.


Lyle Henry, Director of Migraine Research