Monday, October 31, 2011

“Are my Recent Migraines Related to Hormones?” asks Tori Spelling

"Anyone else get horrendous migraines right after giving birth? Is it hormones? I've had one for a week now. Nothing is working." Tori Spelling tweeted her followers.

News reports that Tori Spelling looked exhausted as she was wheeled into a hospital just weeks after giving birth to a baby girl by her husband Dean McDermott this morning. The ordeal comes after the 90210 actress revealed that she had been suffering from migraines following the birth of Hattie Margaret McDermott twenty days ago.

It is not uncommon for mothers who are prone to migraines to get extreme headaches after bearing children. Tori asks the correct question, "Is it hormones?" Although the answer is yes, what is actually causing the problem is not often understood by even doctors who are trying to treat the migraine symptoms rather than the basic cause of the problem.

When the term hormonal migraine is used, most people are thinking about the hormones estrogen and progesterone. While this is in part true, what is at the source of the problem is what are called "messenger hormones". These are hormones in the body secreted by specific glands that act like messengers to deliver commands to start and stop production of the aforementioned hormones as well as others.

A simple analogy is a factory that produces body lotion. Although the production line makes the lotion, the orders to start and stop production come from a supervisor. If the supervisor orders more or less lotion than is needed, the production line doesn't know and then all kinds of problems and headaches can occur as a result. A solution to the problem is to manage how the orders are being received by the production line in order to prevent further factory headaches from occurring.

The solution to preventing migraine headaches works in a similar manner. The migraine antidote is a prevention formula that acts on the cause of the migraine before it can occur rather than simply trying to stop the pain of the headache after it has started.

In the analogy the orders came from a supervisor. The body has a supervisor called the pituitary gland which controls the cycles of the female body by sending out messenger hormones. This gland not only controls the monthly menstrual cycles, but also controls pregnancies by issuing the hormone messengers to regulate the levels of estrogen and progesterone during this time.

At the completion of a pregnancy the hormones in the female body are literally in turmoil. This turmoil is what is triggering the migraines to occur. To stop this process and gain control over the migraines, something is needed that will help manage the receipt of these hormone messengers that are causing the onset of the migraines.

Tuliv Migraine Defense is the migraine prevention product designed to help control migraines by managing how hormone messages are handled and defend against the occurrence of migraine headaches.

You can order Tuliv Migraine Defense at

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chronic Migraines -There is a Solution

Chronic migraines by definition are migraines that occur 15 or more times per month and last four hours a day or more. 

 It is estimated that of the 32 million people in America who suffer from some level of migraines, about 10 percent or roughly 3.2 million Americans suffer from chronic migraines. Although women are three times more likely to experience a migraine than men, when it comes to chronic migraines the ratio of women suffering from chronic migraines compared to men is much higher.

The migraine research conducted by Tuliv has shown that the general age range for chronic migraines starts as early as 35 and continues through 60. These ages correlate to the age when women experience the perimenopause stage of life. This research went on to show a direct connection between the two events.

Perimenopause refers to the time of life when the body goes through significant hormonal changes that eventually lead to menopause.  Many women who suffer from chronic migraine also experience the symptoms of perimenopause including hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, and irritability.

Any woman who has had menstrual related migraines knows the intensity of a migraine during times of hormone changes. What is happening during perimenopause is similar in a much more rapid or erratic sequence.  The continuous fluctuation in hormone production during perimenopause causes an increase in the number of migraines. See Hormonal Migraines for more information.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often prescribed by doctors and health therapists as a method to combat the symptoms of perimenopause. While they may help ease those symptoms, HRT can be a major contributing factor to chronic migraines

No one should give in to the idea that chronic migraines are uncontrollable. Chronic migraines can be controlled and further episodes prevented by proper treatment with Tuliv Migraine Defense and a good migraine prevention plan. 

If you are experiencing chronic migraines, the first thing to do is seek our help in evaluating your problem. We will help to identify anything that may be contributing to your chronic migraine episodes. Together we will be able to produce an effective migraine prevention plan that will guide you to a better life.

To learn more about chronic migraines and how you can overcome them, see Chronic Migraines at

 Let us hear from you today. Our toll-free phone number is 1-866-367-5953 or send an email to