Someone once said to me, "I get a migraine headache every time I eat onions. What can I do to stop these headaches?"
Even though the answer should be obvious to all, the obvious is often missed. People will tell us they know exactly what triggers their migraines and yet they do little or nothing to avoid the trigger. This, I believe, is one of the main reasons for failure of any type of migraine prevention program. Some thinking is required to end migraines.
When my son was about six years old I started playing checkers with him. Checkers is a relatively simple game to learn and play. During one game when I was slow to move a piece he announced, "It's your move dad," to which I replied, "I'm thinking." His immediate response was, "Hey, no fair thinking."
The stakes are higher with migraines than they are playing checkers. When you lose by not thinking in the migraine game you get punished with pain. Thinking about what you eat, drink, do and even what medications you take is a requirement for the success of a migraine prevention program. You don't have to become a migraine researcher to end migraines; you simply must pay attention and do a little thinking.
Thinking about what may have triggered your last headache can be helpful in preventing the next one. Any time there is a change in your migraine pattern, you should ask yourself "why?" Think about what changed, including what you may have eaten, drank or done within the 36 hours prior to the headache. Reviewing this information may reveal the trigger that you can avoid in the future.
We can help you in this process when you contact us. We generally start by visiting about your migraine pattern including frequency, duration, the time of the day when your headaches most often start, and what are your known triggers. Reports of sudden changes in patterns can be most alarming events that we will help investigate.
Recently Eileen (Migraine Consultant at Tuliv) visited with a lady whose headache pattern got worse after she started taking spirulina. Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green alga which has gained a great deal of popularity in the health food world as one of the new so-called functional foods.
Eileen researched spirulina and found that it contains one of the highest rates of L-tyrosine (which becomes tyramine) and another amino acid called L-phenylalanine which produces even more tyramine in the body.
Tyramine, as we have stated many times before, is one of the components necessary to produce the chemical in the body that causes a migraine to occur. Migraineurs should avoid anything that contains L-tyrosine or increases tyramine in the body (see triggers list).
Eileen's research demonstrates the dedication we at Tuliv have to help all who suffer from migraines regardless if they use our products or not.
To do this type of research and make this connection to headaches does require thinking, but you can benefit from the migraine research Eileen does by reading our website, blog, facebook and asking for her help (there is no charge for phone and email consultation).
If your migraine pattern has changed, call or email us for help. If your migraine medication or program is not working for you, think about trying Tuliv Migraine Defense for migraine prevention to live a migraine-free life.
What are your migraine triggers? Today we are asking for your help in our research by letting us know what triggers your headaches so we can add them to the migraine trigger list. If you are unsure about what may be your triggers, contact us so that we can help you.
Send us an email (click here) with your trigger list or call us at 1-866-367-5953.
Let us hear from you today.
Lyle Henry – Migraine Research